Letters - May 1
Concerning senior services
The number of senior citizens in Lake County is rising and is expected to increase drastically over the next ten years. The over-60 years-of-age portion of the county’s population is expected to jump from between 20 and 25 percent to about 40 percent in that time.
The elderly receive a myriad of services from local agencies and senior citizens centers. Those services include home-delivered and congregate meals, transportation for medical and other purposes, nursing home ombudsmen, in-home assistance and a variety of informational and social services. While the demand for those services has steadily increased, funding for them from the federal, state and local levels has generally stayed about the same or decreased.
Financial support from Lake County has remained close to level. For several years the county contributed about the same dollar amount regardless of inflation. Hopefully, with the placement of a mil levy request on the June ballot, that will change. The levy would raise the present county support from the equivalent of a little less than one mil to 2 mils. That would be a dependable source of income that would increase with the value of a mil. The levy would mean an increase in property taxes to owners of a $100,000 home to about $2.62 per year.
The funds would be distributed according to the formula presently in place to six senior citizen centers, the Lake County Council on Aging and the Area VI Agency on Aging. I urge you to vote for the levy and help maintain these important services to our senior citizens who sorely need them. Thank you.
Mack McConnell
Area VI Agency on Aging
Courage Under Fire
It takes courage to stand up against something that is totally wrong. Here is an ode to every irrigator and every person who has stood against the injustices contained in the proposed CSKT Compact, now fully exposed by the Compact proponents themselves, and the recent Tribal lawsuit against “everything and everybody” in Montana:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” --Theodore Roosevelt, 1913
Justice, like truth, will prevail.
Will Fry
St Ignatius
Write in Glenn Miller
I would like to submit this letter to put forward, support, and ask the citizens to write in Lake County Sheriff patrol supervisor, Sgt. Glenn Miller, for Sheriff in this election.
I believe that a Sheriff should be chosen by the people within the community that they will work, not by affiliation. As such, I firmly believe the best qualified, most experienced across multiple facets within the department, with the broadest understanding ( actually working within various components in the LCSO) and community programs is Sgt. Glenn Miller.
Sgt. Glenn Miller has worked as a LCSO reserve deputy, a patrol deputy, currently is a patrol supervisor, boat patrol / dive supervisor, maintains the SRT program as SRT supervisor, and is marine patrol / dive supervisor. Sgt. Glenn Miller has also re-worked, oversees the Field Training Officers (FTO) program.
Sgt. Glenn Miller oversees and works within 2 budgets, SRT and marine patrol/dive, so he has a strong understanding of the operational budgetary requirements needed to properly operate within budgets given.
Sgt. Glenn Miller works with Northwest Drug Task Force, so he understands multi-agency cooperation and he holds many law enforcement certifications and accommodations.
Sgt. Glenn Miller was awarded the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by the Marine Corps League, Hellroaring Det. 1041 for 2013. Sgt. Glenn Miller has honorably served the Montana National Guard military police (MP) in a tour in Iraq, And was voted in as Union President (current) by his peers.
When it comes to accomplishments, leadership, organization, and understanding there is non more qualified, nor stronger, to carry out the duties of Sheriff for Lake County.
I am proud to introduce Sgt. Glenn Miller to the citizens of Lake County, and hope that you will join me in writing his name in for the next Lake County Sheriff. Please, write in Glenn Miller for Sheriff.
L. Murchison