New laws make bicyclists safer
HB 280 by Rep Jeff Essmann (R-Billings) to update bicycle laws was signed by Governor Bullock last week. “This bill updates current bicycle laws with good safety provisions for bicyclists. For example, drivers are allowed to cross a yellow line to pass a bicyclist and bicyclists will no longer be required to ride ‘as far to the right as practicable’, which often times is not the safest place to ride” said Melinda Barnes, Executive Director of Bike Walk Montana. The nighttime reflector requirements will also be more flexible, allowing for reflective clothing in place of mounted reflectors. “We have received positive feedback from law enforcement that mopeds will no longer be allowed to ride on the sidewalk or shared-use paths and will no longer be exempt from DUI laws,” said Barnes.
Bike Walk Montana also supported three other bicycle and pedestrian bills this session. HB 604 by Rep Ed Greef (R-Florence) would have provided funding for shared-use paths. While the funding provision was removed, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is looking for ways to provide needed path maintenance, and an interim committee will study the maintenance needs and possible funding sources for trail upkeep. “We made tremendous progress in increasing awareness of the need for dedicated funding for trail maintenance,” commented Rep Greef. “We [MDT] would be committed to working with the Legislature, the bicycle/pedestrian community and local governments to address maintenance needs of shared use paths,” said MDT’s Director Mike Tooley.
HB 394 by Rep Jerry Bennett (R-Libby) would have required drivers to provide a minimum four foot distance when passing a bicyclist. SB 278 by Sen Christine Kaufmann (D-Helena) would have clarified that pedestrians have the right of way at every intersection and that drivers need to stop, even if it is not marked. “Even though this is currently the law, it is not clearly stated, and drivers too often disregard the law, risking the lives of pedestrians,” said Senator Kaufmann.
“Tourism is on the rise and it is imperative to have laws and roads that increase safety for the growing number of bicyclists who want to ride throughout our state” said Jim Sayer, Executive Director of Adventure Cycling, the largest cycling membership group of North America, based in Missoula.
“While there was great progress made this Legislative Session on behalf of people who walk and bicycle, there is still much more to accomplish and we’ll try again in two years” added Barnes.