Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Ronan Senior News

| June 23, 2016 1:55 PM


By Alberta Blake

  One of the great parts of my job is the enjoyment I get from listening to my seniors visiting, laughing and just enjoying each other’s company. The number one silent cause of death in retirement is loneliness. We have the solution right here at Mission Valley Senior Center. Come join us, make some new friends, bring your old ones with you, and have some fun. 

   Mission Valley Senior Center will be selling old jewelry this summer at the Garden of the Rockies Museum’s Flee Market starting July 1. Stop by and see us. If you have any jewelry to donate call us at 676-2371 or drop it by Mission Valley Senior Center during the hours of 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. Monday, Wednesday or Friday.

    Center opens at 9 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. All our meals are open to the public of any age and wheelchair accessible. 

Noon Meals are $5 if you are under 60 and $4 if you are over 60. All meals come with fruit, veggies, bread and dessert.


Friday: July 1


 Bingo 1pm

Monday: July 4th

Closed Celebrate Independence Day

  Bridge 1:00 pm

Wednesday: July 6

Ham Dinner

Crafts 1 pm

Friday: July 1

Cheese Burgers

For Transportation to Mission Valley Senior Center call 676-2368. 

Home Delivered meals are available to shut-ins. Call Center before 10:30 a.m. to get or cancel a meal at 676-2371. 

Menu available at the center or email me to get one emailed monthly.

Mission Valley Senior Center, 528 Main Street Ronan, MT 406-676-2371