Lake County Justice Court Records
From the bench of Lake County Justice Court Judge Randall Owens:
Logan J. Brown, misdemeanor speeding on non-interstate, exceeding the night limit of 65 miles per hour.
Marcela Angel Estevez, misdemeanor driving without a valid driver’s license. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs $35.
Tyler Everett Crumb, misdemeanor driving under the influence o any drug, second offense. Misdemeanor driving with an alcohol concentration of 0.8 percent blood alcohol level or greater, first offense. Guilty. Fined $400. Sentenced to 180 days in jail with 180 days suspended.
Clinton Shane Rehbein, misdemeanor seatbelt violation. Bond forfeited. Fined $20.
Riley D. Burke, misdemeanor driving under the influence of alcohol, second offense; misdemeanor operating with alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent blood alcohol level or greater, second offense.
Shana Kimberly Devlin, misdemeanor driving without a valid driver’s license. Pleaded guilty. Fined $250. Costs $35.
Scotty Rae Devlin, misdemeanor seatbelt violation; misdemeanor failure to obey red stop traffic signal. Bond forfeited. Fined $50. Costs $35.
Whitney Lea Barr, misdemeanor seatbelt violation. Bond forfeited. Fined $20.
Robert Lee Sturtevant, misdemeanor no log book in possession, Bond forfeited. Fined $100. Costs $35. No medical waiver in driver’s possession, misdemeanor. Bond forfeited. Fined $100. Costs $35.
Terace Stewart, misdemeanor licensee or employee selling an alcoholic beverage to a person intoxicated or under the age of 21 years old. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs: $35.
Louis Paul Schutt, misdemeanor failure to display proof of payment if current GVW fees – Ref ARM 18.8.429. Bond forfeited. Fined $100. Costs $35.
Michele Lee Meyers, misdemeanor licensee or employee selling an alcoholic beverage to a person intoxicated or under the age of 21 years. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs $35.
Rick Marcure, misdemeanor licensee or employee selling an alcoholic beverage to a person intoxicated or under the age of 21 years. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs $35.
Merideth Jordan Molzhon, misdemeanor licensee or employee selling an alcohol beverage to a person intoxicated or under the age of 21 years. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs $35.
Travis Jordan Courville, misdemeanor licensee or employee selling a alcohol beverage to a person intoxicated or under the age of 21 years. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs $35.
Geraldine P. Browning, misdemeanor licensee or employee selling an alcoholic beverage to a person intoxicated or under the age of 21 years. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs $35.
Patrick Alan Haun, misdemeanor licensee or employee selling an alcoholic beverage to a person intoxicated or under the age of 21 years. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs $35.
Lisa Ni Digiallonardo, misdemeanor licensee or employee selling an alcoholic beverage to a person intoxicated or under the age of 21 years. Guilty. Fined $500 with $250 suspended. Costs $35.
Brian Scott Brown, misdemeanor log not current. Bond forfeited. Fined $100. Costs $35.