Linderman Jump Rope For Heart makes for active afternoon
Nearly 100 Linderman Elementary School students were thrilled to spend their after school time in the Linderman Gym on March 16 for the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart. Each one carried a signed permission slip and an envelop containing donation money to school and knew that what they were about to do was going to help sick people they would likely never meet.
The event organized by Linderman Nurse Millie Nesladek and Linderman Physical Therapy Teacher Micki Stanley, was about to begin.
Students started their event by listening carefully to instructions. Several stations around the gym featured different jump rope-related activities that students could do during the event: long jump rope, snack station, hurdle station, hoola hoops, short ropes, skipits and mouse trap.
The group of students divided into parts and dispersed to their starting stations. From there, a frenzy of activity blossomed as happy students partook in the fundraising activity.
About half way through the event, Nesladek announced a group of students who donated the highest dollar amounts.
“The kids really love it,” Nesladek said. “The money goes toward research and education for cardiovascular disease.”
Prizes were given to students throughout the event. Jump Rope for Heart participants raised $5,515.33 for the American Heart Association.
The top fund raisers were: Chase Hansen who donated $510, Ryleigh Brumwell who donated $500, Kylee Seifert who donated $280, and Tristan Spotted-Blanket who donated $251.
Linderman Elementary School participated in the annual fundraiser since 1996.