Lake County Justice Court
From the bench of Lake County Justice Court Judge Randal Owens:
Joey Michael Wayland, misdemeanor operating a vehicle, which has not been properly registered. Bond forfeited. Fined $50. Costs $35.
Paula M. Barrows, misdemeanor driving under the influence of alcohol, first offense. Guilty. Fined $1,000 with $400 suspended. Costs $85. Sentenced to 180 days in jail with 179 days suspended. Credited time is five days; misdemeanor operating a vehicle without liability insurance in effect, third or subsequent offense. Guilty. Fined $500 with $100 suspended. Costs $35. Sentenced to 180 days in jail with 179 days suspended and five days time served.
Tyler Preston Henifin, misdemeanor driving a vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked. Guilty. Fined $250. Costs $35.
Zeb Marvin Barber, misdemeanor driving without a valid driver’s license. Guilty. Fined $100. Costs $35. Sentenced to 180 days in jail with 180 days suspended.
Parwinderjeet Singh Brar, misdemeanor operating a commercial motor vehicle without a commercial driver’s license. Bond forfeited. Fined $200. Costs $35.
Thomas Joseph Wallance, misdemeanor speeding on interstate- urban, exceeding the night limit of 65 miles per hour. Guilty. Fined $70.
Charles Jerome Gilson Jr., misdemeanor speeding, exceed restricted speed limit established by the department. Bond forfeited. Fined $30. Costs $35.
Brenda Galts Wilkins, misdemeanor speeding on a non-interstate, exceed the day limit of 70 miles per hour. Bond forfeited. Fined $20.
Tina Marie Bean, misdemeanor speeding, exceeding the restricted/special zone speed limit established by the department. Bond forfeited. Fined $20. Costs $35.
Melanie A. Gassaway, misdemeanor speeding, exceeding the restricted special zone speed limit established by the department. Fined $50. Costs $35.
Kamiah K. Payne, misdemeanor speeding interstate urban, exceeding the day limit of 65 miles per hour. Bond forfeited. Fined $40.
Kayla Lyn Fowler, misdemeanor speeding, exceeding the restricted special zone speed limit established by the department. Bond forfeited. Fined $60. Costs $35.
Bridger Louis Smith, misdemeanor careless driving. Bond forfeited. Fined $50. Costs $35.
William A. Kimmet, misdemeanor speeding-exceeding restricted special zone speed limit established by the department. Bond forfeited. Fined $50. Costs $35.
Laura Lee Coates, misdemeanor failure to give notice of accident by quickest means/apparent damage over $1,000. Guilty. Fined $200. Costs $35.
Patricia Kaphammer Dellwo, misdemeanor speeding, exceeding restricted special zone speed limit established by the department. Bond forfeited. Fined $50. Costs $35.
Micaela Rose Lachance, misdemeanor operating with expired registration, failure to reregister. Bond forfeited. Fined $50. Costs $35.
Donald Leland Lamar, misdemeanor speeding on non-interstate – exceed day limit of 70 miles per hour. Bond forfeited. Fined $20.
Faye Marie Martinez, misdemeanor speeding on a non-interstate, exceeding the day limit of 70 miles per hour. Bond forfeited. Fined $70.
Julie Ann Wulf, misdemeanor speeding, exceeding the restricted special zone speed limit established by the department. Bond forfeited. Fined $20. Costs $35. Roadside payment.
Shane Douglas Morigeau, misdemeanor seatbelt violation. Bond forfeited. Fined $20.
John Michael Walters, misdemeanor speeding on non-interstate. Bond forfeited. Fined $20.
Nation I. Garza, misdemeanor speeding, exceeding restricted special zone speed limit established by the department. Bond forfeited, Fined $30. Costs $35.