Engagement key to moving forward
“Moving ahead in dangerous times” is vital in America right now. This “moving ahead” is not only for us nationally but extremely important internationally as well.
Nationally, recent serious political divisiveness within the GOP is a loud cry for getting our act together, quickly. The last eight years of the GOP being an opposition party is over. Learning to legislate and actually function is now essential. Dealing with Donald Trump’s personal psychological problems combined with all the investigations within his appointments makes it more complicated. But it need not stop good governance.
Internationally, the threats of mass annihilation by evermore sophisticated weaponry is real and growing. The US has always been looked up to for taking leadership with powerful support in helping tackle any and all international crises. Presently, with our internal political chaos, we are in danger of not being able to be counted upon in this regard.
“Moving ahead in dangerous times” is going to take involvement and action from We the People. Fifty percent of eligible voters not voting cannot continue. This is key to America moving ahead.
The lid has been blown off the ‘lid of lethargy’. We all must be involved.
– Bob McClellan, Polson