Quist represents most of Montana
I have read with sadness the letters in support of Greg Gianforte for Congress. Give him credit for his achievements; yet the fear of what Rob Quist would bring fed by mean spirited outside interests is wicked. What does higher taxes to pay for entitlements really mean? It fundamentally means that we take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Can we really believe Gianforte will fight on the side of Montana where nearly 20,000 live below the poverty line? When he tells Sally Mauk of Montana Public Radio that Trump has achieved much of what he promised? Outside of the Supreme Court Justice, would he please point to action that would survive scrutiny?
As for my husband and me, we pay 50 percent more than our house payment for health insurance. Is that difficult? You bet it is. But we chalk it up to our part in taking care of those who would be unable to pay otherwise.
It boils down to who we can trust. Not a multi-millionaire. Not an elitist.
Rob Quist has the spirit and heart to stand up for Montana. Both sides of the House will be watching him. I have faith that his presence will teach a new priority from the current agenda.
I pray that others will follow.
– Nancy T. Glueckert,