Ronan Center to offer tax help
Welcome to spring (we hope). The warmer weather has sure been nice, and I’m sure that we are all glad to see the ice go.
We have the AARP tax preparers here every Wednesday to help you get taxes done. Give the Center a call at 676-2371 to sign up for an appointment. It is best to call on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, to make sure that there is someone there to help you.
There is no cost for this service, but if you feel you should pay, donations to the Center are greatly appreciated.
The painting/crafts afternoon has been put on hold until after the tax season, as they both use the same room.
Thanks to our cooks for preparing a great Valentine’s Day dinner. And thanks to those who decorated for the occasion, to those who provided door prizes and all who bought 50/50 tickets.
Our monthly birthday dinner is this Friday, Feb. 24. Come in and join us for a great roast beef dinner.
Our menu for the rest of the month is:
Friday, Feb. 24: roast beef
Monday, Feb. 27: penne pasta with red sauce and sausage.
Thought for the week: “Age is a very high price to pay for maturity.”
Have a great week, enjoy the warmer weather and give someone a hug.