Judges needed for speech and debate tournament
From Ronan High School
The Ronan High School Speech & Debate team will be hosting the 2017 Ronan Invitational Speech, Drama, and Debate Tournament on Saturday.
This year, the team took on the challenge of hosting a larger tournament, and judges are needed from 8 a.m. to about 5 p.m. to cover five rounds of competition. “We would be deeply appreciative to anyone who can volunteer for an hour, a morning, an afternoon, or a whole day,” said Head Coach Stephanie Swigart. “This is a larger tournament than we usually host, but we knew we could count on exceptional support from the community.”
A short Judges’ Clinic will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday in Room 209 of the Middle School. Attendance at the clinic is by no means mandatory, but judging tips will be offered for those who have qualms about judging.
“Judging is very easy,” said Swigart. “However, the best part of it is the joy of seeing young people expressing their ideas. Most people who judge leave the tournament feeling optimistic about the future of our society.”
Breakfast, coffee, and lunch will be provided to volunteers, and there will be coaches on hand to assist judges at the tournament.
Anyone who has questions or who wishes to volunteer as a judge can call or text Amy Miller at 241-5633 or email at amy.miller@ronank12.edu.