Saturday, November 23, 2024

Moving ahead in dangerous times

| January 12, 2017 6:39 PM

“Moving ahead in dangerous times” means more to America and our whole world than ever before. Nationally, we have a new administration influenced by fear and retribution. Internationally, the collection of nations are so much more dependent upon each other than ever before regardless of size and wealth.

Nationally, the next few years will be a real test to our democracy. “Draining the swamp” had such an appeal because it indicated that Washington D.C. would finally be rid of: Big money influences. Lobby payoffs. Wall Street’s grip on politics. Not paying attention to the ‘little guy’. Greed and corruption.

Internationally, the threats of mass annihilation by evermore sophisticated weaponry is real and growing. The economic and social interdependence of nations, both large and small, is becoming more real and present.

Nationally, the things mentioned above sounded so good to so many in campaign rallies but will not happen with our new administration. Internationally, the tings mentioned are happening now and must be addressed with full knowledge, good judgment, strength and resolve, endless diplomatic efforts, and the drawing together of the most influential nations in times of crisis. We are living in a world society, not just a collection of separate countries.

The United States of America has been and continues to be a most important leader of the world. If we get bogged down in our own ‘stew of disunity,’ partisan political wrangling, and a separate states mentality ignoring the true intent of United States of America, then we are doomed according to many thoughtful pundits. In the views of many, we must not get discouraged. We must speak out with positive suggestions and plans. We must join with others in meaningful dialogue and discourse. We must join together in helping our youth, soon to be our leaders, to gain balance and good judgment.

We have much to do in the next years. The lid has been blown off the UU (Urn of the Usual). Let’s make the most of it and help move our nation and our world forward toward peace and unity.

Bob McClellan, Polson