Polson museum to be featured on TV
The Polson-Flathead Historical Museum will be featured on cable television next month, discussing the Flathead Lake Monster.
Starting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 3, The Travel Channel’s “Mysteries At The Museum” program will air a program on the museum. An interview with Karen Dunwell, museum president, will also be included in the show.
“Mysteries At The Museum,” hosted by Don Wildman, is an hour-long television show that explores the world’s greatest institutions to unearth extraordinary relics that reveal secrets from the past through interviews, rare archival footage and recreations.
Title of the program is “Lucky Lucca, The Flathead Lake Monster and Bumbling to Berlin.”
In this episode, Wildman investigates Nessie, the Flathead Lake monster, along with a tale of a four-legged hero and a pilot’s attempt to push aviation boundaries.
Established in the early 1970s by J.F. “Fay” McAlear, The Polson-Flathead Historical Museum focuses on pioneers, homesteaders and Native Americans who inhabited the region.
The Polson-Flathead Historical Museum was established by J.F. ‘Fay’ McAlear in the early 1970s and focuses on the Pioneers, Homesteaders and Native Americans who inhabited the region, the only museum like it in the area.