Thursday, March 13, 2025

Quilt Guild Show featured in Ronan

by Ashley Fox Lake County Leader
| August 2, 2018 2:47 PM


LINDA SCHOON, left, and Rosa Tougas stand in front of a patriotic quilt completed by School at the Mission Mountain Quilt Guild quilt show. The ladies were this year’s featured quilters for the event.

The gymnasium at K. William Harvey Elementary in Ronan was filled with quilts last week for an annual show.

The annual Mission Mountain Quilt Guild (MMOG) held its event, where 140 quilts were on display Friday and Saturday, July 27-28.

Visitors carried around clipboards to judge their favorite for a People’s Choice Award in numerous categories.

Two of this year’s featured quilters were Ronan resident Rosa Tougas, and Linda Schoon of Pablo.

“I was certainly flattered” when the organizers asked, Tougas said.

Included in her display were quilts she’s made through the years as gifts that were “on loan.”

Tougas started quilting in 1993, and works on pieces when she has the time. She joined in the quilt guild in 1996 or 1997, she said.

Tougas has three granddaughters to whom she teaches some techniques.

Schoon said that Mission Mountain Quilt Guild is a way for the 50-some women to get together and show off their quilts, as well as socialize and learn from each other. “It’s very nice, very friendly,” she said.

She’s “quilted for a little bit for a long time,” Schoon said.

Schoon joined in 1998 or 1999, she said, and is one of the original members of the Ayleen’s Thursday Quilters in St. Ignatius.

Both Tougas and Schoon said that sometimes, the intricate work of quilting can get frustrating or overwhelming. That’s when they walk away from the project and then go back to it some time later.

The end result of finishing a project is one of the reasons they both said they continue to quilt: a sense of accomplishment.

Schoon said that MMQG is a way for the 50-some women to get together and show off their quilts, as well as socialize and learn from each other. “It’s very nice, very friendly,” she said.

Co-vice president of MMQG Linda Goldeski, who chaired the event, said that children who entered the show were not voted on for the People’s Choice Award, but they do receive ribbons.

The MMQG meets monthly at Terrace Lake Community Church, 35663 Terrace Lake Road East, Ronan.

For more information, visit Mission Mountain Quilt Guild on Facebook.