Trump's options with Mueller
I happen to think that Donald Trump knows full well that he is not going to survive this presidency. His well known mental condition of “narcissism,” ie: self-love, self-admiration, and self-regard wholly determines his response to leaving the presidency. So, he’s concerned about what will cause him the least personal humiliation.
He knows that the Robert Mueller Special Counsel has most damaging information on him. His leadership ability and all this political stuff takes a back seat to his obsession with self-pride.
He has two options regarding the Mueller investigation. He can let it run full course, or he can fire Robert Mueller. It would seem that given his narcissistic character, the most damaging to his self-regard and self-pride would be to let the Mueller investigation run its course. There is simply too much personal stuff in there regarding bad financial decisions, links with mafia types, sexual matters, poor business decisions, and character assassinations. All this being made public would be personally very humiliating to him.
So, why not fire Mueller? This would deflect from the Russia stuff and put the spot-light on legally charging him for firing the head of the Special Counsel. He knows full well he would probably lose. But that is still better than all the Mueller probe stuff being made public.
At least, that’s the way I see things at this point. This will be a most interesting year for American politics. I also happen to think that We The People are still the ultimate and most significant influence in our American way of life.
Bob McClellan, Polson