Friday, February 21, 2025

Democratic candidates in election supported

| November 1, 2018 4:04 PM

In view of the anger, hate and lying, coming out of the White House, and rather than belaboring the reader, I believe conservative columnist George Will said it best when he referred to Trump as “that sad, embarassing, wreck of a man,” and liberal columnist Leonard Pitts as “that moral monstrosity in the White House.”

It is imperative in the midterm elections that the following candidates are successful for the good of the country.

The candidates I support are the following: Jon Tester, Kathleen Williams, Andy Shirtliff, Caroline McDonald, Susan Evans, Ashley Morigeau and Eldena Bear Don’t Walk. Eldena is the best-qualified candidate running for any office. She is a highly-respected practicing attorney, just as her father was more than 40 years ago. Vote yes on Initiatives 185 and 186, and Legislative Initiative 128.

With all of the bickering, finger pointing, and blaming, isn’t it time for emboldened thinking, and statesmanship? Kathleen Williams said it very well when she said, “It is people before party, and policy before politics.”

Congratulations to Lisa Parks, recent 2018 MacArthur Genius Fellow, as she stated, “I believe that tribal sovereignty, tribal rights, tribal cultures are extremely important and valuable and should be protected.”

— Wyman McDonald, Ronan