Friday, February 21, 2025

Value your vote, vote your values

| November 1, 2018 4:04 PM

I believe this is the most critical mid-term election of my lifetime (85 years). I’ve listened to many of the successes and failures of the candidates whose names appeared on my absentee ballot.

I prayerfully completed my ballot last week and delivered it to the election office. Once again I was reminded that every vote counts and that no one’s ballot has more value than mine, not the President’s, nor the Governor’s, nor the Mayor’s. Every vote has equal value. I value my vote.

For the past couple of months I’ve had a battered bumper sticker on the back of my car which says, “Christians for President Trump.” The sticker is battered because some non-Christian dude didn’t like the message, so he or she attempted to scratch an obscenity across it with a jackknife or some other tool, totally disregarding the damage to the paint.

In 2016, Mike Pence said, “First of all, I’m a Christian, secondly, a Conservative and thirdly a Republican, in that order.”

That’s me, too! Therefore, I look for candidates who hold and practice Christian values. Those qualities are not always easily discerned.

However, if Christians paryerfully vote their values on Nov. 6, President Trump will have the support he needs to continue to lead us. Christians should always value their vote and vote their values.

— Harvey Town, Polson