Friday, February 21, 2025

Wheeler responds to Passieri's letter

| November 1, 2018 4:02 PM

I have to admit to some amusement regarding David Passieri’s letter of support for Commissioner Decker, claiming Mr. Decker practices tough love (Lake County Leader 8/30/18).

Absent a family relationship, I infer Mr. Passieri’s meaning is that Mr. Decker believes he knows better than his constituents. In my observations of Mr. Decker, he disparaged the intelligence of Lake County residents, claiming that respondents to a post card survey didn’t understand the poll. He further went on to claim that those opposed to removing regulatory standing to the county density map were those unaffected by the density map. I witnessed him repeat this claim two separate times, both times in the presence of approximately 20 citizens who were telling him they were affected and they strongly opposed removing the regulatory basis from that density map.

In each case, a single individual spoke in favor of removing the density restrictions while the remainder spoke in favor of the continuing the map. To me this represents a flagrant disregard for the clearly stated preference of his constituents, an absence of accountability to voters. Further, as one who spoke in favor of the regulations, it felt a lot like I was being called a liar — as a landowner I am most definitely affected by the density map as were all the others that spoke, yet we were told that only those unaffected by the regulations were in favor of them. It seems he is not interested in representing our citizenry, rather he is interested in his own agenda.

Further, I have heard Mr. Decker express concern about a variety of issues in the county, mostly financial. Never have I heard him express any potential solutions for these issues. It’s easy to complain; he’s had multiple years to effect the change he claims to want but apparently has a lack of ideas with which to approach these issues.

In contrast to Mr. Decker, and as a result of my observations of Mr. Decker, I took the time to meet and discuss political issues and positions with Caroline McDonald. I found her willing to listen and full of ideas and possible approaches to current issues in the county. I found the difference striking. As others who attended the Planning Commission meetings, experienced the same lack of accountability that I witnessed and written similar letters to the editor, I find Ms. McDonald the only possible choice for County Commissioner in this coming election.

— Chuck Wheeler, Ronan