Saturday, March 01, 2025

Letter: Thank you, from Polson Loaves & Fish Pantry

| December 31, 2020 12:05 AM

On behalf of the clients and all the volunteers at the Polson Loaves & Fish Pantry Inc., and our volunteer board of directors, we could never thank the Town Pump Charitable Foundation enough for their continued support for our population in need of food. Without your help, especially during this unusual year with the COVID-19 pandemic, we would not be able to serve those in need. Food insecurity has become so much more apparent during this time, with people losing their jobs, businesses closing down, and the difficult times with trying to keep the schools open as well. Our greatest fear is the fact that having these lockdowns will also affect the part of our population where there is abuse and no escape for those being abused and no ability for them to be able to get food or support.

Our only prayer is that there is food and support available to those who need it. We do know that there are a lot of proud people out there who would never ask for help, nor seek it. With your campaign and advertising people are informed as to where they can go at least for food. If they don’t have a cell phone or TV they see your trucks with the information on the sides of them and hopefully will seek out where to get food. We know how grateful the clients are that come to us and we are sure this applies to other food pantries as well. We pray in the coming months with a vaccine available that people will get it so that we can protect all those that we love and heal as a nation and a world.

With your help we will continue into the New Year of 2021 and be available with the fresh foods and tin foods that people need to survive and make them available whenever they need it. Thank you so much for the 19th annual Be a Friend in Deed, Helping Those in Need food bank campaign. We are so very thankful to all those who support us, from the child who brings in what he/she has saved in their piggy banks, to those small and large businesses who support us, as well as the individuals who bring in cash or checks. Thank you all for helping us meet our match.

Deborah Chapman, treasurer, Polson Loaves & Fish Pantry