Friday, July 26, 2024

Water Court deadline is Feb. 9

| December 29, 2022 12:00 AM

Did you know that the Water Court has granted a 60-day extension for filing an objection to the CSKT Compact? This is fantastic!

Please file an objection to protect your water rights no later than Feb. 9, 2023. For more information about why it is important that you file an objection, go to

This Water Compact is not based on either the US Constitution or the Montana Constitution. The preliminary decree is a whopping 36 pages, filled with legalese and lacks clarity. Even the directions given for filing an objection are confusing and unclear.

In addition, only 22% of the people affected by the Compact received the preliminary decree, which is a direct violation of those citizens' right to know. This cannot be a coincidence and smacks of collusion!

Objections may be filed at

Linda Baldridge
