Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Community Calendar: Chainsaw Rendezvous

| June 9, 2022 12:00 AM

Chainsaw Carving Rendezvous

Chainsaw Carving Rendezvous is June 9-12 at the Lake County Fairgrounds. See woodworkers at their finest.

Flag Day sing-along

Those who enjoy listening to or singing patriotic songs are invited to a sing-along on Flag Day Tuesday, June 14 from 7 to 9 p.m., at the Polson Elks Club.

The Mission Valley Choral Society is organizing the sing-along following the theme “Get America Singing.” Christian Bumgarner will direct such songs as “Battle Hymn of Republic,” “America,” “God Bless America,” “The Star Spangled Banner,” “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” audience suggestions and more. The “Blue Book of Patriotic Songs” will be used for those who sing or want to read the words.

Anyone is welcome and those wishing to arrive by 6:30 p.m. could enjoy conversation with a libation of choice. Contact person Valerie Lindstrom at 406-883-4160 or 406-261-3304.

Big Arm potluck

The Big Arm Association will be hosting its second Community Potluck at our historic Big Arm School on Friday June 10 at 6 p.m. Pull out your favorite recipe to make and share with neighbors and friends.

Guest speaker will be Senior Vice Commander-David O. Chung. He will be discussing issues concerning veterans-focusing primarily on Vietnam vets. His presentation will begin at 7 p.m.

Art show continues

The Sandpiper Gallery located at 306 Main Street in downtown Polson celebrates its “Majestic Montana” show, from May 16 through July 11.

Invited artists include wildlife photographer Victor Perez, a Polson graduate. James Bason, from Great Falls captures the serenity of Northern Montana landscapes in oils. Jane and Ray Morgan from Troy create bronze sculptures and cheerful mosaics. Karla Martinson, a Sandpiper member artist and author, shares her amazing tactile relief paintings of our lively Montana friends.

Brew Fest

Brew Fest to benefit the Friends of Lake Mary Ronan is Saturday, June 18 from noon – 4 p.m. at The Lodge at Lake Mary Ronan.

Music Lab, a blues rock wild jam band will be playing on the Flag Deck coving the very best of music from the 60’s and 70’s. Six breweries will be represented.

Price is $30 for a commemorative beer glass and three drink tickets. There will be food and swag for purchase.

Mission Mountain Rodeo

Mission Mountain Rodeo at the Polson Fairgrounds is June 24-25.

6 p.m. for youth events. 7 p.m. Northern Rodeo Association Rodeo

Live Music from Northern Lights after the rodeo.

Free non-food vendors fair. Call Sharon 261-2861 for details.

Arlee Powwow

Every year, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes come together in a ceremonial and traditional gathering to follow in the footprints of their elders. Witness a pow wow with traditional dancing, singing and drumming from Thursday, June 30 – Monday July 4 in Arlee.