Friday, March 21, 2025

Time Capsule: Cheap land, Bomb scare, Big rate hike, Cross-deputization

| April 20, 2023 12:00 AM

Ronan Pioneer, April 3, 1914

Land reappraised

Word was received in Ronan Wednesday that all the land in sections 31 and 32, township 21 north, range 20 west, had been reclassified as second-class agricultural land and reappraised at $3.50 per acre. All of these tracts, 23 in number, had originally been appraised at $7 per acre.

Flathead Courier, April 2, 1942

Bombing scare over Kerr Dam

The first bombing scare at Kerr Dam occurred last Thursday evening about nine o’clock when three twin-engine planes, supposed to be army planes, flew over the dam at low altitude.

Steps have been taken to learn the identity of the planes.

Kerr Dam is one of the restricted areas in Montana that have been closed to public travel by the military authorities.

Flathead Courier, April 20, 1972

Tribal Council approves use permit

The Tribal Council of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes last Friday approved a resolution establishing a recreational use permit system for 1972. Council Secretary Fred J. Houle Jr. said the system extends to all waters on the Flathead Reservation with no exceptions. This includes the south half of Flathead Lake as well as Pablo and Ninepipe reservoirs.

Houle said that a use permit is required for fishing and boating in Flathead Lake but not for swimming. Permits will be sold at various stores on the Reservation.

Earth Week proclaimed

Polson Mayor Norene Mosley has proclaimed the week of April 24-30 as Earth Week for the City of Polson. Clean-up efforts in the city will be held in conjunction with high school and junior high school clean-up efforts.

Mrs. Mosely encouraged the public to clean yards, alleys and surrounding areas. Fees at the city dump will be waived April 28, 39, and 30 to encourage hauling of trash. There will also be an old car clean-up in the near future.

Mission Valley News, April 28, 1982

New water, sewer rates hit schools

Ronan schools will possible face a 600 percent increase in water and sewer charges starting next September. The hike would bring the already financially beleaguered district up from $1,150 to $6,841 per year.

New fire truck arrives

A handsome new Ronan rural tanker arrived Sunday afternoon to take its place in the fleet. The 3,800-gallon truck cost $23,000, of which CSKT Tribes donated $7,500. Rural Fire Dept. and some Title IV made up the rest.

Lake County Leader, April 23, 1992

County proposes cross-deputization

Cross-deputization is part of a new Lake County proposal for shared law enforcement jurisdiction on the Flathead Reservation.

State, county and tribal officials discussed the plan last Monday in Helena at a meeting hosted by Montana Attorney General Marc Racicot.

County officials are stressing that they and the Tribes are nowhere near an agreement on sharing law enforcement roles here. But last week’s proposal does broach the thorny cross-deputization issue.

The plan calls for both county and tribal officers to be certified by the state … Tribal police would be the lead investigating agency on tribal lands, trust lands and private lands owned by enrolled members. County officers would take the lead on fee lands owned by non-members.

Prosecutors would jointly review all potential felonies involving tribal suspects. Misdemeanor tribal cases would go to Tribal Court, while state court would continue to handle non-member misdemeanor cases and felonies.