Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Legals for June, 29 2023

| June 29, 2023 12:00 AM

PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PENDING ATTACHMENT OF A TAX LIEN On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the Lake County Treasurer will attach a property tax lien to property on which the 2022 taxes are delinquent. The delinquent taxes, including penalties, interest and costs are a lien upon the property and that unless delinquent taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are paid prior to July 31, 2023, a tax lien will be attached and may be assigned to a third party. MCA 15-17-122. A complete delinquent list of all persons and property in the county now owing taxes, including all city and town property that is delinquent is on file in the office of the Lake County Treasurer and is open to public inspection and examination. For further information please contact the Lake County Treasurer at 106 4th Ave East, Polson, MT 59860 Published on June 15th, 22nd & 29th, 2023. MNAXLP __________________________

Probate Cause No. 23-0096-P THE CONFEDERATED SALISH AND KOOTENAI TRIBAL COURT OF THE FLATHEAD RESERVATION, PABLO, MONTANA  IN RE THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF:  MARTENA SAVAGE  NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Scott Savage has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said Deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred.  Claims must either be mailed to the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, or to the Clerk of Court of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Court, P.O. Box 278, Pablo, Montana 59855.  DATED this 5th day of June, 2023. /S/ Scott Savage Personal Representative  Address: Scott Savage  32023 Hi-Hi-Tah  St. Ignatius, MT 59865  Published on June 15th, 22nd, & 29th, 2023. MNAXLP __________________________

PUBLIC NOTICE The Lake County Conservation District will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 13th, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lake County Conservation District Office (64352 US Highway 93 Ronan, MT 59864). The purpose of the public hearing will be to review the conservation district FY 2023/24 budget and the reauthorization of the permissive medical mill levy to cover costs in the group benefits line item for FY 2023/24. Lake County Conservation District will conduct the public hearing in person and virtually. To participate virtually, join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85728572084?pwd=dVZGM0tzSXQ5UlhOOVVpOGtSSHhVdz09 Meeting ID: 857 2857 2084 Passcode: 984885 One tap mobile +13462487799,,85728572084#,,,,*984885# US (Houston) +14086380968,,85728572084#,,,,*984885# US (San Jose) Information related agenda items is available on the district website: www.lakecountyconservation district.org For more information, contact Caroline McDonald, District Coordinator at 406-676-2811x102, 64352 U.S. Highway 93, Ronan, Montana, LakeCD@macdnet.org. Published on June 22nd & 29th, 2023. MNAXLP __________________________

ADVERTISEMENT Polson School District #23 is soliciting qualifications from individuals or firms interested in serving as a General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) in accordance with Title 18, Chapter 2, Part 5, MCA. The selected GC/CM will participate in a collaborative process to assist, as a partner, with the District, the Project Architect, and the other members of the design team for the planning, design, and construction for its Elementary, Middle School, and High School Bond Renovation and Addition Project. Voters approved bond amounts up to $23,315,000 million for its elementary district and $16,645,000 for its high school district (for a total of $39,960,000 for the entire project). Prospective GC/CM candidates may obtain a Qualifications packet at the Polson School District Administration Building, 111 4th Ave. East, Polson, MT 59860, or by visiting the District’s website: https://www.polson.k12.mt.us/. Responses to this Request for Qualifications for GC/CM must be submitted in compliance with the requirements of the Qualification packet and will be received at the Polson School District Administration Building at the address listed above until July 7, 2023, at 4:00 pm, local time. FAX RESPONSES, INCOMPLETE RESPONSES AND RESPONSES RECEIVED AFTER THAT DATE AND TIME WILL BE DEEMED NON-COMPLIANT WITH THIS RFQ AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The intent of this solicitation is to identify qualified GC/CM candidates interested in participating in a collaborative process to bring the renovation and additions of the elementary schools, middle school, and high school to fruition in a timely and cost-efficient manner. From the list of interested and qualified GC/CM candidates as determined by a selection committee established by the District, the finalists will proceed to a Request for Proposal process in accordance with Title 18, Chapter 2, Part 5, MCA. From those finalists, the District will select the GC/CM firm which is best qualified and best suits the District's needs and intent regarding the Project. It is anticipated that the selected GC/CM will initially provide Preconstruction phase services and will move forward with the provision of Construction phase services. The GC/CM shall comply with all fair labor practices and must meet the requirements of all local, state, and federal statutes. This Request for Qualifications does not commit the Board of Trustees for Polson School District to enter into any agreement, or to pay any expenses incurred in the preparation of any response to this request, or to ultimately procure any contract for the provision of these services. The Board of Trustees expressly reserves the right to waive any formalities and to reject any or all proposals. Published on June 22nd & 29th, 2023 MNAXLP __________________________

Filling Vacated Trustee Position - MCA: 20-3-309 The Polson School District 23 Board of Trustees is seeking letters of interest from individuals wishing to serve on the Polson School Board. Any person assuming this trustee position under the provisions of MCA 20-3-309, section (3) shall serve until the next regular school election and his or her successor has qualified, which will be May 2024 Any person residing in District and a registered voter may submit a letter of interest to Deb Anderson, District Clerk/Business Manager on or before 3:00 p.m. on August 1 st 2023 via email: danderson@polson.k12.mt.us. All letters of interest will be reviewed and the position will be filled after candidate interviews at a Special board meeting scheduled on August 8, 2023. Published on June 22nd & 29th, 2023. MNAXLP __________________________

PROBATE NO. Dept 1 DP-23-74 William E. Rideg RIDEG LAW OFFICE, PLLC P.O. Box 701 Missoula, MT 59806 (406) 626-1500 william@rideglaw.com Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY IN RE THE ESTATE OF MYRNA KITCHIN, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Denise Kitchin Tribble has been appointed as Personal Representatives of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be mailed to William E. Rideg, Rideg Law Office, PLLC, P.O. Box 701, Missoula, MT 59806, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. DATED this 15th day of June 2023. By: /s/William E. Rideg CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, hereby certify and affirm that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was provided as set forth below, at Missoula, Montana this 15th of June 2023 to: Denise Kitchin Tribble, Personal Representative of the Estate of Myrna T. Kitchin @ denise.tribble1427@gmail.com [ ] U.S. Mail [ ] Hand Delivery [X] Email By: /s/William E. Rideg Published on June 22nd, 29th & July 6th, 2023. MNAXLP __________________________