Public comment sought for proposed land exchange on Flathead River
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission is collecting public comment on a proposed land exchange with Montana Department of Transportation as part of a bridge replacement project on the Flathead River in Flathead County.
Sportsman’s Bridge spans the Flathead River on Highway 82 between Bigfork and Kalispell. Sportsman’s Bridge Fishing Access Site (FAS) is located on the east bank of the Flathead River immediately south of the existing bridge. In 2009, the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) nominated the 686-foot-long bridge for rehabilitation or replacement. The department intends to replace the existing with a new, safer 706-foot-long structure.
Since the new bridge and approach will require a wider right of way, MDT is requesting FWP grant it a narrow strip of land (either in fee or easement) of about 1.5 acres along the north end of the FAS where it abuts the existing right of way. This wider right of way would reduce FWP’s riverfront by roughly 70 feet and eliminate the existing access to the FAS, which is partially within the existing right of way.
To mitigate project impacts, including both the grant of land and loss of the existing access, MDT plans to reconstruct the FAS, obtain an easement in FWP’s name from the neighboring homeowner’s association, and develop a new access road and low water boat launch.
MDT has engaged in significant public outreach and received overwhelming support for the project. A project webpage at provides detailed information on the project.
FWP is currently conducting a MEPA process to evaluate the proposed action of transferring ownership of land to MDT and securing easement from the Hanging Rock HOA.
FWP is asking the commission to approve the transfer of approximately 1.5 acres of department land at the Sportsman’s Bridge FAS to MDT. In return, FWP would receive the upgraded FAS including an easement for permanent access to the site via Hanging Rock Road secured by MDT contingent upon approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to dispose of the encumbered land.
The commission is scheduled to review the proposal at its April 18 meeting.
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