Friday, July 26, 2024

Hopefully not the new normal

| May 11, 2023 12:00 AM

I hope this is not the “New Normal”: Everywhere you go there are shortages of workers. Public schools are no different. The teacher shortage is very real and very challenging. We are dealing with those shortages as best we can.

Coaching is another place where there are shortages. I do not know of any schools where all of their coaching vacancies for next year have been filled yet. Finding help with running extra-curricular activities is another issue. For the first time since I can remember, we were unable to get enough help to run a junior high track meet this year.

Other schools are having the same issues with getting help. Several schools who normally host a track meet could not get enough workers to help. Therefore, the number of track meets has dwindled for junior high kids.

It has been taken for granted too long that activities for our kids just happen. Folks who are only spectators really have no idea the amount of time and effort it takes to schedule, organize, and produce events. Whether it is sports at your local school, AAU wrestling, little league, youth rodeo, 4H, FFA, or the county fair: the ante has gone up. Parents who want their kids to have the same opportunities they had need to step up and chip in. The alternative is that these activities will die a quick death.

At the public school level we get closer and closer all the time to cancelling more events due to the lack of help with running activities. If we can’t find coaches then entire seasons might be cancelled.

If there is anything you can do to help please contact your local school. Give the County Extension office a call as they are always needing assistance with the fair. Check around your community to see where you can help kids!

Schools are already planning for next year. They will need help with tickets, line judging, score books, score clocks, shot clocks, chain crews for football, etc. The possibility of forfeiting or cancelling games is becoming more of a reality without help from parents and community.

Steve Love

Charlo School Superintendent