Monday, January 06, 2025

Time Capsule: From the weekly archives

| April 18, 2024 12:00 AM

The Flathead Beacon, April 28, 1960

Allard Stage to roll again

The crack of the whip, thunder of hooves and clanking clatter of stagecoach wheels will be heard again this summer as the Flathead Indian Reservation observes the 50th anniversary of its opening to settlement. 

One of the highlights of the jubilee summer will be the return of the Polson, Ronan and Ravalli stage. 

Through the cooperation of the Cornelius F. Kelly estate, and Mrs. George Hepburn, the old Allard Stage has been obtained and will make a Polson to Missoula trip in late July, according to J.F. McAlear, president of the Reservation Pioneers, sponsor of the trip.

Bigfork boatsmen chase meandering dock

 One of the docks located in Bigfork Bay disappeared after breaking loose Sunday evening as spring waters rose considerably. The dock had been reported seen across the lake at Caroline’s Point, near Elks’ Rest.

Jay Whitney, John Anders, Ernie Weed and Gordon Childers went by boat to try and locate the dock. Arriving at the West Shore they made contact with Frank Hodge who had seen the dock but reported it headed back across the lake again as the wind had changed direction.

Search was then made near the mouth of the Flathead River and then south around Melita Island, Blue Bay and Yellow Bay. The men then left Childers off at home at Woods Bay and headed home themselves. 

As they neared the mouth of the Swan River they found the dock had beaten them back. It was near the Masonic Campground. Altogether Weed figured they had traveled by boat 55 to 60 miles. 

W.A. Gregg Company: Real Estate Bargains for This Week

No. 480 – Nice 50-foot lot, 3 room house, good barn, close to business section, all in first class shape. $1,150

No. 479 – Nice 50-foot lot. Good location on good street, all good buildings adjoining, must be sold to close up an estate. Come in and get prices.

No. 476 – 320 acres timber 16 miles from Kalispell, will guarantee three million feet saw timber, good grazing land  (Will trade for land near Polson).

No. 475 – 160 acres all fenced, about 70 acres under cultivation. House and barn. Price $2,500.

No. 474 – 320 acres all fenced, nice spring, good four-room house, log stables, can plow about 200 acres. Price $20 per acre, $1,000 cash, balance on time to suit purchaser at 7 percent 

No. 474 – Nice corner lot, fine location and good neighbors. Price $400.      

Locals say Canadians fear American invasion

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Kraemer, who have been visiting relatives in Toronto and neighboring cities in Canada, returned last Sunday night, after having spent several weeks with our neighbors across the border.

Mr. Kraemer states that Canadians greatly fear American invasion, and that business is paralyzed; that many men have entered the service and are in training to go to the front in Europe as soon as they are called upon to do so, but that most of the enlistments are made because of the fact that they wish to secure rations for themselves and their destitute families, as many wage earners have been idle since last August. 

– Whitefish Pilot