Friday, September 20, 2024

Respect never goes out of style

by Jim Elliott
| August 1, 2024 12:00 AM

I asked a friend of mine if he had ever known a man named Bat O’Callahan who lived in Trout Creek years ago and was married to my good friend Jessie O’Callahan. Whether that marriage ended because Bat left town or died I never did know, but since Jessie had remembered him so fondly I thought he must have been a good man.

“Yeah, I remember him,” my friend said. “He used to drive home from the bar, pull off the highway onto Swamp Creek Road, turn off his car right there in the middle of the intersection and go to sleep. He was a pain in the butt.”

This was not the fond memory I was hoping to hear from someone who had known a man who to me, although a known rascal, had a kind of positive aura around him in my mind.

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