Monday, January 06, 2025

Protect those who can't speak for themselves.

| August 29, 2024 12:00 AM

To choose or not to choose. For this situation I am referring to the women's "right" to choose.

In June I was approached by an individual who asked, "Will you support woman's right to choose their reproductive health?"

I asked, “What ‘rights’ do they not already have?”

“The right to an abortion,” she answered.

First of all what is an abortion? By definition it is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus.

If this is a termination, then that would not classify as reproduction?

By definition an embryo is an unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development. In the process of development ... then it is alive. Alive from conception.

A fetus by definition is an offspring of a human or mammal in the stages of prenatal development that follow the embryo stage.

So when asking for this initiative to be on the November ballot, Planned Parenthood, and their paid supporters, want to write a constitutional amendment making it legal under state law to end the life of an unborn child.

Planned Parenthood spent over $3 million in Montana alone pushing to get enough signatures to get this on the ballot. Sounds to me more like planned extermination of the innocent. They don't get to have a choice.

In November, vote no on C-I 128 and protect those who can't speak for themselves.

In the past we fought wars to protect women and children. Now they want to protect women’s "right" to kill children.

– Jason Taylor
