Friday, March 07, 2025

Ronan council still needs volunteers for study commission

| December 26, 2024 12:00 AM

At the Ronan City Council meeting on Dec. 18, City Clerk Kaylene Melton reported on her conversations with other city clerks in Montana regarding a special improvement district such as the one proposed for phase one of 212-lot subdivision by Mark Drinkwater.

Melton told council members she learned that developers are responsible for infrastructure improvements — streets, water and sewer – and that the cost of those improvements should be included in the price of purchasing a lot. Cities do not get loans to assist with that those expenses, she said.

The council also discussed the need for volunteers to serve on a voter-approved study commission, tasked with looking at Ronan’s city government and making recommendations for changes. No one has yet applied, although the mayor and council are under statutory obligation to continue searching for and recruiting members.

In other business:

• The council discussed a bill to repair light-pole outlets along Main Street to allow Christmas decorations to be plugged in. Dan Miller, public works director, said the repair was funded by an anonymous donation.

“The city boys, the highway department, and Access Montana – everybody pulled together, and got it done. It really looks good,” said Mayor Chris Adler. “Good things happen when people work together.”

• Members voted unanimously to allow Miller to change Eisenhower, Cleveland and Buchanan into four-way stops where the streets intersect Fourth; the intersection with Adams will be a three-way stop.

“We were thinking of slowing down the traffic on Fourth,” Miller explained.

• The council reappointed Julie Moore as Ronan’s representative to the Lake County Solid Waste District Board for a three-year term from Jan. 1, 2025 through Dec. 31, 2027.

• Members also approved a payment of $99,379 for water system improvements, and a draw of $100,383 from the American Rescue Plan Act grant funds.

The next meeting will be held next year at 6 p.m. Jan. 8.