Thursday, October 17, 2024

Ronan council refunds subdivision fee

Reporter | February 1, 2024 12:00 AM

During the Ronan City Council meeting last Wednesday, Jan. 24, council members voted to refund $610 in planning fees to Scott Beggs for a proposed subdivision. Plans for the development, proposed for the east side of town, were postponed due to the cost of mandated street improvements.

The pre-application fee of $200 was retained by the council. 

The council also approved the reappointment of Mayor Chris Adler as chief of the Ronan Volunteer Fire Department. The chief is voted on by membership yearly, and then the city council approves the chief.

In other business on the evening’s light agenda, council members approved the claims for January and voted to hold the next meeting at 6 p.m. Feb. 13 instead of Feb. 14.