Tuesday, March 11, 2025

To know your judge, consider their actions

| February 1, 2024 12:00 AM

Recently, while sitting in our family's fictitious library room, I read Legislative Notes, those by Rep. Usher. His article brought up an important subject, Montana judges. He said that in spite of their apparent impartiality they "... are in fact politicians."

Seeing the effort our Republican controlled 'elected' state officials have put forth to solidify this perception by trying to make it easier for the Governor to appoint judges, rather than have us elect them, sadly makes his statement more true than I would like to believe.

Seeing how, at the federal level, a politically controlled congress could keep a Supreme Court presidential appointment from occurring or how they could control how the background of a nominee of their choice could be filtered, not to mention how a sitting judge continues deciding 'impartially' with a politically active wife and a wealthy political 'friend' willing to give him significant 'gifts,' I have to applaud Rep. Usher for his candor.

But I have a different conclusion than he when he says “know your judge.” I encourage readers to recognize how much of what you see, hear or are told is simply rhetoric, never intended to become a real pursuit once in office. The label is not indicative of a set of principals any more than a religious affiliation guarantees your final destination.

How does the person act? If they didn't plant roses but promised they would, don't expect them to act differently if you don't hold them accountable.

How open are they really to what the truth is and how much is political speech?

Vote for a judge for their character in life, not declarations of that character.

The same holds true of the politician. It is easy to see if what they claim is true.

But unfortunately that also requires being open to information from multiple sources and questioning the information. It is easy to find fault, none of us are perfect, but continuing to believe in a person beyond their repeated behavior goes to a flaw in one's self, not a flaw of the charlatan. 

It is political to blame others for the inability, or self-indifference, to reach a goal.

– Rich Bell
