Thursday, October 17, 2024

Democratic left is the real threat

| July 18, 2024 12:00 AM

After reading David Daniels’ letter (July 4), filled with erroneous accusations about the Republican party threatening of freedoms, I feel I must respond to show the actual threat to our democracy is the democratic left. He brings up the gas lighting talking point of white nationalism which is a figment of the left’s imagination in order to attempt to divide our country.

The Democratic party is advocating censorship of anything that they disagree with. They are against the first amendment because they do know want to hear truth, only their side. They push fanatical and radical agendas such as claiming Hamas is a victim when they perpetrated great atrocities against Israel, moral decay, defund the police, destruction of the family, against voter ID, open borders, and accuse their opponents of doing what they are actually doing.

They claim that conservatives incite and participate in violence when the opposite is true. Look at the summer of rage of the George Floyd riots when the left protested, causing great destruction and 19 deaths.

The democratic left believes in lawfair, going after their political opponents to destroy, bankrupt or tarnish reputations of anyone who disagrees with their radical agenda. They are totally corrupt and will do anything possible to maintain their power.

And finally, I hope the Republican party will threaten certain freedoms that the Democratic party is pushing for, such as freedom to murder babies and sell their aborted parts, freedom to mutilate and confuse our children with gender dysphoria.

– Lonnie D Haack
