Saturday, September 07, 2024

School powwow lights up events center

Reporter | June 6, 2024 12:00 AM

Flashes of feathers and brightly beaded regalia interspersed with hoodies and jeans made up the crowd of Ronan middle and high school kids dancing an intertribal dance at the school powwow on May 29. 

The drums were booming with the singers hitting high and low notes as the students circled the dance floor. Over everything drifted the enticing smells of chili and fry bread from the lobby.

Five drums were taking turns playing – Medicine Eagle,

Red Sand, Dancing Boy, Big Crane and The Defenders – according to master of ceremonies Vance Home Gun.

During the first dance contest – the Boy’s Grassdance – young men whirled and stooped with feathers floating, ribbons fluttering, ankle bells tinkling and roaches quivering above them. 

Contests on tap were Chicken Dance, Jingle Dance, Fancy Dance and Traditional Dance.  

The powwow was a way for students to celebrate the end of the school year and graduation. 

    During an intertribal dance at the Ronan School Powwow on May 29 students danced and filledthe EventCenter floor. (Berl Tiskus/Leader)