Spring Mack Days wraps up with 35,089 entries
The 2024 Spring Mack Days on Flathead Lake, sponsored by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, ended Saturday with a grant total of 35,089 lake trout entered during the nine-week long fishing event.
Making a difference for the future of native fish in Flathead lake is the goal behind these bi-annual fishing events that focus on reducing the non-native lake trout. Native bull trout and westslope cutthroat populations are just a fraction of what they once were. Anglers are an important part of the management toolbox, which aims to reduce non-native fish numbers.
The leader in the Top Twenty category was Kolton Turner of Kalispell. He turned in a total of 2,283 lake trout entries and had an 18-day average of 100 fish per day. He also set a new record in fish totals for a spring event. Top Ten anglers are placed by their best 18-day average.