Monday, March 17, 2025

Sidewalk, highway work halts for holiday

| May 23, 2024 12:00 AM

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Riverside Contracting will take a break from ongoing construction in Ronan over the Memorial Day weekend, May 24-27.

Until then, expect to see crews on Round Butte Road, as sidewalk work continues east of the railroad tracks. Flaggers will periodically help facilitate safe travel where work is underway.

Installation of the traffic signal poles and streetlights along Highway 93 also continues, and single-lane closures may be required where work is occurring.

Other planned site work includes installing pedestrian handrails and gates throughout the project area, with work underway from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. through Thursday, May 23. Crews will return on Tuesday, May 28.

More roadwork on 93 & 35

MDT, along with construction partner Highmark Traffic Services, Inc., will apply epoxy striping on Montana Highway 35 and U.S. Highway 93, beginning the week of May 27, weather and other factors permitting. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the end of June.

The project on MT 35 begins at the intersection with U.S. 93 and extends approximately 18 miles north, ending near mile marker 18, just north of Yellow Bay State Park. The project on Hwy. 93 starts just north of the Polson Bridge at mile marker 61 and extends 25 miles north to mile marker 86, just south of Rollins.

Travelers can expect 10- to 15-minute delays, reduced speeds, single-lane traffic, and traffic control in place through the project area.