Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Commissioner counters Passieri allegations

| October 10, 2024 12:00 AM

I feel a response is needed to Thompson Smith’s blatant attempt of character assassination directed at House District 91 candidate David Passieri in his letter to the editor published in the Oct. 3 issue of the Leader.

Mr. Smith acknowledged that while Mr. Passieri had frequently videotaped testimony offered by citizens at numerous public hearings, attempting to do so at a Tribal Council meeting was behavior that could only be labeled as “extremism and intimidation.” Is Mr. Smith aware that many governmental bodies, such as the Board of Commissioners, are now required to provide video and audio recordings of all hearings? Is our State Legislature now guilty of “extremism and intimidation” by putting this practice into law?

Mr. Smith also alleges that Mr. Passieri “has a long record of sowing division.” He uses Passieri’s opposition to the Lake County Density Map and Regulations as an example of this activity. Mr. Passieri has a long record of advocacy for property rights; apparently in Mr. Smith’s world anyone standing up for property rights is guilty of “sowing division.”

Mr. Smith declared that the County’s Density Map and Regulations were “gutted” by a new slate of County Commissioners. I encourage Mr. Smith to read the Lake County Growth Policy where he will find the Density Map and Regulations alive and well.

Voters are encouraged by Mr. Smith to support Mr. Passieri’s opponent in the election, Shelly Fyant, as she “has a proven record of leadership.” At a recent political forum, the hot button topic of property tax increases was raised and how the legislature might address the problem.  

Ms. Fyant stated that “she was puzzled by higher property taxes.” There should be nothing “puzzling” to Ms. Fyant about the property tax increases. During her years on Council, ownership of the former Kerr Dam was gained by the CSKT who immediately declared it exempt from taxation, a loss of two million dollars a year in taxes. The Temporary Tribal Tax Exemption became law and hundreds of tribally owned properties were eligible for a five-year tax vacation, again, a significant loss of property tax revenue.

Ms. Fyant’s support of the Montana Water Rights’ Protection Act, that when implemented, will result in more properties that presently pay taxes going into exempt status as they are transferred to tribal ownership. Under her leadership of Tribal Council, millions of dollars of property tax liability was shifted from the CSKT to county property owners. Is this the leadership that residents of House District 91 desire in the Legislature? I think not.

I have no dislike of Ms. Fyant – she has always been sincere and civil whenever we have been in attendance at meetings together. I don’t believe she can fairly represent all the constituents in House District 91 given her past ties to CSKT government and her advocacy of a tribal agenda that includes buying back as much of the Reservation as possible.

 I can assure you Mr. Passieri will listen, ask questions, and make decisions based on what he believes to be in the best interests of everyone in his district. Voters can ask no more than this of a candidate. 

– Gale Decker

Lake County Commissioner