Monday, October 14, 2024

Night watchmen for the oil-a-garchs

| October 10, 2024 12:00 AM

Like most Americans, I deeply respect and appreciate Ryan Zinke and Tim Sheehy’s service during the oil wars. As politicians, however, they no longer strike me as warriors.

In Lake County, we’re mostly working men and women, and the idea that these two will serve us is ludicrous. At best, they’re night-watchmen for the oil-a-garchs, making sure the great division of wealth continues – and strengthens – in Montana and the rest of the country.

They don’t have your best interest at heart. They see themselves as trickle-downers, making sure the system is rigged for the wealthy while enriching themselves at the spigot. They would sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

Who gets run-off from a cabinet appointment because of corruption like Zinke did? Or lies about a battle wound like Sheehy?

Jon Tester and Monica Tranel, on the other hand, don’t wear cowboy hats for show. Down-to-earth and plain speaking, you can take them at their word. They will do their best for working people.

– Jeffrey J. Smith
