Thursday, October 24, 2024

CI 128 seeks to destroy future generations

| October 24, 2024 12:00 AM

Please prayerfully consider CI 128 before you cast your vote.

This initiative is significant, it changes our Montana Constitution. I think of Montanans as strong, independent people, willing to stand up for the underdog, willing to stand for those who do not have a voice – this is that time.

There is only one entity that wins with this legislation, and that is the abortion industry. Interesting that the largest funding of this legislation is the out-of-state abortion industry. Why would we want them to rewrite our state constitution?

Please know that the intention of this legislation is so awful, it allows abortion up to the time of birth. That is purely barbaric. It also states "any treating healthcare provider" to perform the abortion. No doctor required! That is not healthcare and could allow unscrupulous practitioners into our state.

Traffickers and predators win with this legislation, requiring no parental consent to protect our children. This opens the door to other harmful practices of exploitation. Parents are removed as protectors of their own children.

Please vote no to CI 128. It's bad for Montana. It will hurt women, men and children. And seeks to destroy our future generations.

– Linda and Kendall Dupuis, Polson