Monday, September 16, 2024

Time Capsule: From the archives of local weeklies

Reporter | September 5, 2024 12:00 AM

The Flathead Courier, Sept. 4, 1924

Million dollar crop from one farm

A million dollar wheat crop is being harvested, threshed, and shipped from a single farm in Montana. 

Not since Adam was driven out of the Garden of Eden to earn his food by the sweat of his brow – not even since Cyrus McCormick invented the mower which made reaping a labor of some ease compared with the old sickle and cradle – has that been done. It is, therefore, a world record in grain growing and harvesting that is being set on the Thomas D. Campbell farm on the Crow Indian Reservation near Hardin.

Three fifths of the tremendous crop has been harvested so far, that is 15,000 of 25,000 acres in No. 1 dark hard have been cut and the greater part threshed.

So far 27 cars of wheat have been shipped, and it is planned to send a train of 52 cars, solid, of grain. The crop is being sold in Minneapolis, the nearest market capable of handling such a vast output immediately as it is harvested. It is of such fine quality that it commands a premium.

As far as the operations have proceeded, the grain is averaging 30 bushels to the acre. At that average, the 25,000 acres will produce at least 750,000 bushels.

News from Big Arm

Thirty-three votes were cast in this precinct at the primary election Tuesday. Oscar Johnson, the candidate for county commissioner, received 100 percent of the vote.

R.H. Copeland came up from Dixon on Wednesday and went on to Elmo Thursday. He has discontinued the publication of The Dixonian at Dixon.

More automobiles in state than in 1923

With the issuance to date of 66,650 license plates for passenger cars and 8,880 for trucks, the 1923 registration has already been passed, it has been announced by Secretary of State Charles T. Stewart. The 1923 registration was 65,449 passenger cars and 8,380 trucks.

Garage employees enjoy picnic at Skidoo Bay

All employees and their families from Silver’s Garage in Polson and the Ronan Garage in Ronan, were entertained by Z.B. Silver at a hot chicken dinner and picnic last Sunday at the J.H. Hanson summer home at Skidoo Bay. 

There were 38 in attendance and a wonderful time was enjoyed. Forty pounds of fried chicken were consumed by the crowd, with all the good things that go with a chicken dinner, including lots of ice cream.

The guests were seated at tables prettily decorated with gladiolas.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Jones of Ronan occupied honor seats at the head table.