Cheerful Heart offers free services to cancer patients
Cancer patients in Lake County can receive non-medical help from Cheerful Heart at no cost to a patient currently undergoing treatment.
In addition to transporting patients to treatment and appointments, the non-profit provides support to the oncology clinics at St. Joseph Medical Clinic in Polson and at St. Luke’s in Ronan.
Both clinics carry inventories of head coverings including wigs, hats and scarves, Knitted Knockers (breast prosthesis) and ComfyChemo shirts, all available for no charge to patients.
Other programs under the Cheerful Heart umbrella include:
• Cheerful Touch, a personal care program of local cosmetologists and massage therapists; patients should consult with their doctors before using these services. Call 406-883-3070 to schedule an appointment.
• A cancer support group that meets from noon to 1 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at the Church of the Nazarene in Pablo. Matthew Connally leads the gatherings, which are open to anyone affected by cancer.
Cheerful Heart, Inc., has served cancer patients in Lake County since 2002. Those with questions or needs can call 406-883-3070, visit or email