Thursday, March 27, 2025

HB 207 makes hurdle higher for third party candidates

by Gary Buchanan
| March 20, 2025 12:00 AM

There’s an effort in the Legislature to keep Montana citizens off the ballot.

HB 207 hasn’t made many headlines, but the bill is an attempt to make it harder for Independent, third-party, and write-in candidates to qualify for the ballot in districts across Montana.

Independents already face a higher barrier to get on the ballot than candidates from the Republican or Democratic parties, and we shouldn’t make it even harder for those who don’t affiliate with our two major parties to compete and earn the votes of Montanans.

I ran as an Independent candidate for Congress in 2022. More than 200 volunteers campaigned on my behalf, collecting over 15,000 signatures across Eastern Montana. My supporters weren’t just Independents, but also Republicans and Democrats tired of “politics as usual.”

Voters are increasingly unhappy with our two-party system. That’s why we need more competition on the ballot: so Montanans have the ability to vote for whoever best represents their values, interests and communities.

I’m grateful that the House State Administration Committee rejected the attempt to triple the number of signatures required for Independent and third-party candidates to just get on the ballot in the first place. Sadly, even our current threshold for the number of signatures an Independent candidate hopeful has to collect is the highest of any neighboring state.

Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, and North Dakota all have lower thresholds for Independent and third-party candidates to access the ballot. Why is Montana, a state that prides itself on its independence, the hardest state for Independents to get on the ballot?

We all know a poor loser when we see one, but there’s such a thing as a poor winner, too. An elected official trying to limit competition in future elections is a poor winner. We don’t want leaders who are afraid of competition, who don’t want to have to work to earn the votes of Montanans every election.

A good winner is humble, willing to listen and learn, and doesn’t try to protect their own self-interest by reducing competition in our elections. Our elections should always put Montana voters first. Let’s reduce the barrier to access for Independent, third-party, and write-in candidates and give Montana voters more voice in our elections.

Gary Buchanan is a Billings businessman who has served several Republican and Democrat governors.