Recent Stories

Time Capsule: From the archives of local weeklies
Stories gleaned from the Lake County Leader, March 20, 1997
Job fair brings employers and job-seekers together
Employers and potential employees packed themselves into the ballroom at the KwaTaqNuk Resort and Casino for the Polson Job Service job fair, held last Wednesday, March 12.

Maddy Illig: A portrait of resilience
What does it mean to be resilient? Maddy Illig knows the answer.
Ronan goes green for annual parade
The people of Lake County didn’t seem to notice the blustery weather as they lined Main Street in Ronan Monday, decked head to toe in green for the 36th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Time Capsule: From the archives of local weeklies
Stories unearthed from the pages of the Flathead Courier, March 14, 1935
Pinewood Derby mixes fun and sportsmanship
It’s late Sunday afternoon and the basement of the First Lutheran Church in Ronan is packed and buzzing with anticipation. With chairs pointed toward the track, it’s clear what the excitement is all about: it’s time for the Pinewood Derby.

Time Capsule: From the archives of local weeklies
Stories gleaned from the Flathead Courier, March 7, 1985:

Coup stick presented to Polson Police chief
The Polson City Commission meeting on March 3 started a little differently than usual as Ken Camel stepped to the lectern. Camel came bearing the gift of a coup stick – also known as a greeting stick – for Polson Police Chief George Simpson.
Joe Quinn: More than an educator, more than a coach
Joe Quinn is a firework salesman, father and AC/DC enthusiast. Despite these labels however, for almost 20 years the community of Polson has known him by his surname, often linked with Mr. or Coach.